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Please refer to my DBLP entry for more details about my publications.


I can be reached at chandu dot maddila at hotmail dot com.
Meta Research page
SERG @ TU Delft

Hello World!

I work for Facebook / Meta. Before that, I was at Microsoft Research. My work lies in the intersection of software engineering (SE), developer productivity, and machine learning (ML). My recent research has focused on large-scale software repository mining, building distributed data platforms and services that enable applications of ML and information retrieval (IR) for solving software engineering problems.

I also work on understanding developer productivity, empirical software engineering, and understanding the impact of smart recommenders on developer productivity and software development processes. My work has resulted in tech transfers and generated measurable impact on engineering velocity and developer productivity across Microsoft. I also enjoy publishing my work in top-tier conferences and journals in SE, systems, and IR domains.

I was a PhD student at the Software Engineering Research Group (SERG) @ TU-Delft, advised by Prof. Arie van Deursen.


Publications and Patents
